Sunday, December 30, 2012

My 2012

2012 has been a year of ups and downs, from the highest to the lowest, but one more day and it will be history. 

Most joyful moment:  Hearing my granddaughter, Gabriella, chant her Torah portion at her Bat Mitzvah

Hardest moment:  My son's stroke in June

Proudest moments:  Seeing my son's courage and determination to overcome aphasia

Goal achieved:  Contract for publication of my memoir, Stumbling Through the Dark, which will be released in 2013.

Biggest decision:  To move to a high rise for indepedent living to be completed in 2015.

Another goal achieved:  Publication of On Our Own:  Widowhood for Smarties in October

Most delightful surprise:  My sisters-in-law sent me my husband's baby book last week.

Best restaurant meal:  At the Lahaina Grill in Maui on a trip with my daughter

Best museum visit:  The Art Institute in Chicago with my son and daughter-in-law

Best book I read this year:  The Lost Wife

Best cultural event:  Orbit by the Houston Symphony

Favorite sports moment:  Roger Federer wins Wimbledton and returns to #1.

Most disappointing sports moments:  The meltdown of the Houston Texans

Scariest moment:  Coming home to discover a break-in at my home

Feeling sad about:  Needing a new phone system and losing my husband's message on the answering machine

Nostalgic weekend:  High school reunion and, on the way home, lunch at the Brenham, Texas airport

Favorite movie:  Skyfall

I could go on and on.  Instead, I'll just wish everyone a Happy New Year
and hope that '13 is a lucky number for all of us.



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