Monday, January 19, 2015

Ten Things that Make Me Happy #8: Writing

Last week was # 6 but it should have been #7, so this is #8.

When I was four years old, I made up a poem and announced that I wanted to be a writer.  I didn't do much to further that except for an essay on Texas history in sixth grade. 

Long after that when I was busy fulfilling my 1950's destiny and becoming a housewife, that dream re-emerged.  I began writing children's stories and also poems about motherhood.  None were accepted and eventually I put writing aside again.  Then one day I saw a book called Someday You'll Write, bought it and told myself that someday I'd write something a publisher would love.  But you know what?  "Someday" is always in the future and if you aren't careful, "someday" will become "no day."  It almost did.

Then one day I bought a romance novel and found my niche.  I joined Romance Writers of America, formed a critique group and started writing in earnest.  It worked.  I began writing for Harlequin and later for Silhouette.  I loved writing romance, loved the excitement of getting my author's copy of a new book, loved meeting other writers and fans.

Then my husband died and I just couldn't imagine romantic stories any more.  I took a memoir class and wrote a memoir which came out in 2013.  And I began writing personal essays for journals and anthologies.

So that's my writing history.  I love writing the feeling of anticipation when a new idea comes to me, the satisfaction of completing a piece, and the added satisfaction of seeing my work in print.  Of course, it's not always in print.  I probably have ten times the number of rejections as acceptances but that doesn't detract from the joy of writing.  I hope my muse keeps hanging around. 



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